Is FandangoNOW Right for You?
FandangoNOW has an extensive library of movies and TV shows, over 90,000+ are new releases and classic TV series. No account is needed to browse content and watch trailers but one is needed once you are ready to purchase or rent from the service. You can access FandangoNOW on most devices, including smartphones, tablets, computers and smart TVs.
FandangoNOW offers a number of ways to watch:
- Watch new releases you can't find on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime.
- Zero cost to setup a FandangoNOW account, buy and rent movies as you go.
- Stream 150,000+ movies and TV shows. No monthly subscription costs and no commitment.
Learn more here!
What do you need to get FandangoNOW?
Fandango Now is available on a wide variety of devices, including smart TVs, streaming devices, tablets, and smartphones, as well as on your computer. All you need to get started is an internet connection and a free Fandango Now account.
What do you get with FandangoNOW?
Fandango Now has a huge library of films and TV shows, including more than 90,000 new releases. All of these are available without a subscription.
Instead of subscribing, you simple rent or buy the movies and shows you’re interested in and start watching them right away.
Fandango Now offers plenty of features for movie lovers:
- HD and Ultra HD Quality — Watch movies at their absolute best.
- Integrated Rotten Tomatoes scores — Know right away if a movie is worth your time.
- Buy new movies right away — No waiting for a mandatory rental-only period.
- New releases faster — Rent movies not available on subscription-based streaming services.
- Frequent sales and deals — Build your digital movie collection with movies and TV shows at low prices.
- Rental bundles — Kicking off a streaming binge is easier than ever before.
- Easy navigation — Find the movies and TV shows you’re looking for.
How is FandangoNOW different?
Rather than paying a monthly subscription fee as you would for a traditional streaming service, Fandango Now has no such fees. You’ll need an account to watch movies, but this is entirely free.
Like the video rental stores of old, you rent what you want to watch, or buy it if you already know you love it. The main difference is there are no late fees, or any other fees.