Take or Toss: What to Pack & What to Get Rid of During a Move
Getting rid of old stuff can be tough but it must be done, especially if you’re moving. Learn what to take & what to toss when packing for a big move.
Parting with precious belongings during a move may evoke negative emotions in us, and it’s okay to feel that way. Think about it; you’re picking up and moving your entire life. However, unless you want to pay three different moving companies to transport every item in your house, it’s time to make some choices.
When packing for a big move, there’s certain items that are worth taking along for the ride - but some things simply need to be tossed, especially if you’re downsizing.
For the best ways to pack for a move, check out these tips on what to take and what to toss.
1. Toss Clothes You Haven’t Worn in Over a Year
If you’re still holding on to that NYE dress you wore three years ago, it’s time to loosen the iron grip. It’s common to feel anxiety when getting rid of old clothes, however, it’s safe to say that clothes, shoes and purses you haven’t touched in over a year will mostly likely stay that way.
Lugging boxes full of old clothes to a new home makes no financial or practical sense. Instead, opt to donate them or have a garage sale - you may even make enough to buy some new outfits!
2. Take Old photographs and Sentimental Gifts

You can’t put a price on memories. While some people assume getting rid of old photographs and items that hold sentimental value is necessary when moving, we beg to differ. Moving can be an emotional time, you’re leaving a home full of memories and experiences - having to get rid of the physical representations of those memories such as photos and meaningful gifts will only make it more difficult.
3. Toss Food & Pantry Supplies
This may be a more obvious rule, but it’s worth mentioning. When it comes to moving, try to avoid transporting food and drink items as much as possible. Not only will you run the risk of spoiled and spilled food, transporting food items is a waste of moving box space.
Except for light-weight condiments and pricier dry goods, consider donating any leftover food items to an area food bank.
4. Take Furniture & Home Decor That Match Your New Digs

This can be a tricky task, since tossing out furniture can feel like flushing hard earned money down the drain. However, with some good judgement and savvy, Craigslist marketing skills, you can come out on top!
After determining your color scheme and home decor style for your new house, opt to list any furniture and home decor pieces that don’t align, on Craigslist. However, incorporate any art, furniture or home decor items you’re still in love with to your new digs.
Most movers use this strategy as a way to upgrade to new living room or bedroom sets - new home, new look, right?
We’ve all dealt with slight hoarding tendencies, and nothing reveals them quite like moving time. Moving is about starting fresh, so keep that in mind when you’re packing. If you second guess packing the item, it most likely needs to be tossed. Follow these rules on the best way to pack and you’ll be happy and settled in no time!
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