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Four Hacks That Will Transform Your New Apartment Into A Personal Haven

Moving can be exciting, nerve-racking and stressful all at the same time. Amidst the whirlwind of a new city, new job and new home, it's natural to feel homesick at your new place. If you're looking for budget-friendly ways to add a touch of home to your new place, here are some tips on how to create your own personal haven.

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  • Four Hacks That Will Transform Your New Apartment Into A Personal Haven

Moving can be exciting, nerve-racking and stressful all at the same time. Amidst the whirlwind of a new city, new job and new home, it's natural to feel homesick at your new place. You may be feeling overwhelmed by how expensive home décor is, especially if you moved to an expensive city such as Seattle or New York. If you're looking for budget-friendly ways to add a touch of home to your new place, here are some tips on how to create your own personal haven.

 When In Doubt - DIY 

DIY has become the hottest buzzword in home decor, especially with the popularity of social apps such as Pintrest and Tumblr. Don't worry if you're not the next Martha Stewart, DIY home décor is fairly easy to navigate. For an example, buying custom fabrics to wrap vases or coasters in is a great way to accent the color scheme of your living room. Or creating mini lanterns with construction paper and then (safely!), placing a candle in the middle so that the light shines through the cut outs. These are all inexpensive yet creative ways to decorate the home with odds and ends easily found at a Jo-Ann Fabric.  

A New Paint Job Goes A Long Way 

Ever felt like a room was lifeless but you couldn't figure out why? Windows and natural light play a huge role in this but those aspects are usually out of your control. The next best thing is to paint the room in a bright and inviting shade that reflects your personality. Yellow, blue and cream usually work best but in this case, different paint strokes work for different folks. Choose a color that will spark feelings of happiness, balance and peace within you. Then hit up your local Home Depot for inexpensive DIY tools that can help you to do a professional paint job at half the cost; no Martha Stewart skills required.  

It's All In The Aroma 

Don't underestimate the power of a great scent. You know that warm feeling of nostalgia when you catch a whiff of the perfume your mom used to wear when you were little? Evoke similar feelings of warmth and happiness by placing custom air fresheners around the house. I recommend smells like freshly baked cookies or tropical ocean breeze. These scents have the power to spark fond memories from the past and can has a huge impact on your mood when you walk into your house. 

Bring Back The Memories  

Ever noticed how college students have collages of family and friends on their dorm room walls? It's their way of coping with being away from what was familiar to them for so long. Just because you're not in college anymore doesn't mean this method won't still work, it just needs some tweaking. Select some choice home décor pieces, photographs and memorabilia from your childhood, past vacations or even your former apartment and strategically place them around your new place. Placing a picture of you and your best friends above the fireplace will make you feel warm and happy when you sit on your couch. Positioning a piece of furniture from your childhood bedroom can evoke feelings of child-like bliss when you walk into your bedroom. Whatever you choose, good memories are gifts that keep giving for years to come so why not infuse them into your home? It's simple, fun and most importantly, easy on your budget! 

While these hacks aren't drastic changes, they're simply some subtle adjustments that go a long way in making a new home feel comfortable and familiar. Moving comes with lots of unexpected costs so  going for simple and price-effective hacks rather than major renovations will do wonders for your budget. And what better way to meet new friends than over a discussion about DIY home décor? We thought so, happy decorating!

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